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ROOTED: 6 Month Pelvic Rehabilitation Program

This offering is for those ready to embark on a deeper journey of healing and pelvic awakening. The lengthened timeline and structure of the program allows ample time to physically and energetically restore the root of your body. While this is also the intention of my individual healing sessions, Rooted will hold you through the integration which can include necessary changes in lifestyle and relationships, including your relationship with Self.
For some, time and support are essential to rebuild a foundation that will last! 


⫸  Welcome Zoom call to get to know each other, establish short and longterm goals, and initiate our healing journey together with an Opening Ceremony.

⫸  6 extended in-person sessions. Each session will be 2 hours - twice the length of regular visits.


⫸  3 hour-long support calls between sessions that can include coaching, troubleshooting and distant healing.


⫸  Follow-up call to review your personalized rituals for women's wellness + Closing Ceremony


Specific Symptoms/Diagnoses That Can Be Addressed:

⫸  Postpartum pelvic pain

⫸  Urinary or bowel incontinence (leakage), IBS, other bladder & bowel issues

⫸  Interstitial cystitis, painful bladder syndrome

⫸  Painful intercourse, vaginismus, dyspareunia, difficulty with orgasm

⫸  Pelvic heaviness/fullness, cystocele, rectocele, pelvic organ prolapse

⫸  Endometriosis, adenomyosis, painful menstrual periods

⫸  General pelvic pain, vulvodynia, nerve pain, scar pain

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A soft, strong pelvic bowl and well aligned pelvic organs will be reflected in all areas of your life. This work is truly life changing and I am well equipped and honored to be your guide though the physical, emotional and spiritual journey ahead! 

How is it different than Initial Visits and Tune-Ups?

1.  2x the length of regular sessions
2.  Deeper dive into your personal history, family line, attachment style, etc.

3.  Add-ons are INCLUDED: womb steam, breast massage, castor oil pack 
4.  Weave other skills and resources as needed/desired: Astrology, plant medicine, other needed bodywork
5.  Time for tea - spaciousness is so lovely in life and healing!

HPC Frequently Asked Questions

⫸ What can I expect in a HPC session?

After reviewing your history and intentions, we'll begin with setting up some quick and profound energetic support that will maximize the impact of our session. You can be clothed from the waist up (warm cozy socks are also encouraged) and after my treatment hand is placed, you will be re-covered so you won't be exposed for the duration of the session. The hands-on treatment portion of a session is generally around 45 minutes in both initial & follow-up sessions. Every session includes gentle intravaginal fascial unwinding, trigger point release, guided breathwork, and visualizations tools, as well as self-care instructions, personalized teaching, and follow-up plan.

⫸ What effects will I notice after a session?

Women describe immediate effects including feeling more relaxed and centered, a greater sense of support, increased strength in their pelvic muscles, and sometimes very heightened sensitivity/access to your full feminine range. When blood, energy and lymphatic flow is restored to the pelvic bowl the benefits and improvement in undesired symptoms will continue to improve over time. Think of your session as an initiation of healing. Also, please schedule in some downtime after your session to maximize the effects and minimize the chance of feeling overwhelmed by your healing journey.

⫸ Is HPC like pelvic floor PT?

Yes and no. My passion and understanding of pelvic floor health comes from my training and experience as a bodyworker, midwife, and mother. I am not a physical therapist, though I have completed several pelvic floor trainings through Herman and Wallace (advanced physical therapy training institute). I like to think of HPC as the midwifery model of pelvic floor PT.

⫸ Is HPC painful?

It should never hurt. Your tissues' response will guide the depth and direction of my hands-on work.

⫸ Can I receive pelvic work during my moon time/on my period?

Yes! As a natural time of release, it is a wonderful time to "unpack" the pelvic bowl.

⫸ What if I don’t have any symptoms?

The goal of HPC is to empower you to inhabit your pelvic space and occupy your feminine ground physically, energetically, emotionally and spiritually. Our root/pelvis serves us in so many ways and yet receives little direct care. Regardless of symptoms, the benefits of reconnecting with this sacred space will be deeply profound, creative, and leave you with an honest sense of well-being.

⫸ Can I come in for a HPC session if I'm not ready or unsure about receiving internal (intravaginal) therapy?

Absolutely. There are many ways we can address your pelvic symptoms and/or heal from traumatic events without going inside the pelvic bowl. Visceral Manipulation, Craniosacral Therapy, Arvigo Therapy, guided visualizations, and general healing bodywork are wonderful when internal work is too painful, contraindicated, or when it's just not the time.

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$ 2,180 (6 double length sessions)
+ $700 (5 phone or zoom calls)
= $2,880 VALUE

monthly payment plan available 

Apply Here:

Wonderful! I will be in touch soon.

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